- Association for International Practical Training (->"IEEE Standard Dictionary")
Acronyms von A bis Z. 2013.
Acronyms von A bis Z. 2013.
AIPT — Association for International Practical Training ( > IEEE Standard Dictionary ) … Acronyms
Pulmonary toxicity — is the medical name for side effects on the lungs.Although most cases of pulmonary toxicity in medicine are due to side effects of medicinal drugs, many cases can be due to side effects of radiation (radiotherapy). Other (non medical) causes of… … Wikipedia
IAESTE — The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience commonly referred to as IAESTE (pronounced i ai es te or ai es te) is an international organization exchanging students for technical work experience abroad.… … Wikipedia
Education in Pune — Pune was called The Oxford of the east by Jawaharlal Nehru, India s first Prime Minister. Pune attracts students from all over the world. Basic education Schools in Pune are either run by the PMC, in which case they are called public schools, or… … Wikipedia